PolymerElements / paper-button

A button à la Material Design
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Button should always be bold (14pt Roboto medium) #155

Open rene-lindner-isw opened 7 years ago

rene-lindner-isw commented 7 years ago


According to MD an button should be 14pt Roboto medium, medium should be font-weight: 500.


Since most buttons should be in the accent color, and most accent colors to not have an optimal contrast to white, this difference to MD leads to unreadable paper-buttons.

I know this can be easy fixed for a single app via the --paper-button mixin, but shouldn't the paper-button implement an MD button?

Maybe linked to #94, #95, #111, #129.

I am aware that the bold is used for focus, but again, shouldn't the paper-button implement an MD button? Special a11y requirements that differs from strict MD can be simpy solved via the mixins.

And it's not very usefull if i can clearly see that a button is focused, if i can't read the unfocused button.

Expected outcome

Button should always have font-weight 500.

Actual outcome

Button does only have font-weight on focus.

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Browsers Affected

Browser independent.