PolymerElements / paper-button

A button à la Material Design
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No font by default #86

Closed tyrsensei closed 8 years ago

tyrsensei commented 8 years ago


I'm quite new to Polymer, and I wanted to test the paper-button element. I already tried the paper-input element without any problem (Roboto font applied by default).

When initiating a paper-button, it seems that it doesn't take into account any typography. Indeed, I only get the default Times New Roman font on the button (but the behavior of the button is correct).

Looking at the docs, I see that it's the shared demo-pages-shared-styles that enables the roboto font.

I don't really know if it's an OK behavior or not, but the fact that paper-input and paper-button work differently puzzles me.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

dsschnau commented 8 years ago

Agreed... I came across this trying to demo using a paper-button with minimal imports. I'm surprised its not Roboto on it own.

notwaldorf commented 8 years ago

Yeah, this is a long standing issue. The difference between the two elements is that paper-button gets its content from the light dom (i.e. you are creating the content and responsible for styling it), whereas paper-input creates and styles all its content.

I believe that @valdrinkoshi is on a mission to standardize these, though.