PolymerElements / paper-dropdown-menu

A Material Design browser select element
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Uanle to navigate the page after clicking on the drop down element #188

Open gmsurendra opened 7 years ago

gmsurendra commented 7 years ago


Unable to scroll down the page after clicking on the drop down element.

Expected outcome

Will be able to scroll further down the page.

Actual outcome

The page seems to be broken and freezes, it is not allowing me to scroll further.

Live Demo

Open the below website on an ipad, in the chrome web browser. https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/paper-dropdown-menu?view=demo:demo/index.html&active=paper-dropdown-menu

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open this website, in chrome browser on an ipad.
  2. Navigate to the 3rd card, the one with section header -- You can change the direction in which the menu opens
  3. Click on the dropdown with default text as Upwards and to the left
  4. Now, the page is going back to the top and cannot be scrolled drown.

    Browsers Affected

gmsurendra commented 7 years ago

The issue seems to be happening only on ios, I don't see it happening on Android.