PolymerElements / paper-dropdown-menu

A Material Design browser select element
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Chome/Firefox on Android device: Dropdown links activate link under the dropdown panel #202

Open kylane opened 7 years ago

kylane commented 7 years ago


When trying to click a link from a dropdown, it activates the link from the carousel under.

Live Demo


Steps to reproduce

  1. Use a touch interface (mobile/responsive dev mode in browser))
  2. Open URL
  3. Attempt to expand Search drop down
  4. Select an option from dropdown that overlaps the carousel under.
  5. Note that the carousel link is activated


Browsers Affected

kylane commented 7 years ago

Have been able to replicate the issue with touch specific browsers - android mostly. iPhone appears to have no issues. Have replicated on chrome for desktop using responsive/touch mode.

kylane commented 7 years ago

And an example of the lower elements firing under the drop down on chrome desktop in dev mode with touch enabled...
