PolymerElements / paper-dropdown-menu

A Material Design browser select element
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Flicker effect in paper-dropdown-menu in IE #278

Open Ankita-G-Mudgal opened 6 years ago

Ankita-G-Mudgal commented 6 years ago


When an item is selected from drop-down there is an flicker effect in IE. I can see that on click of drop down-menu it opens n closes asap and then it opens the list again. The demo of paper-dropdown-menu itself has this issue in IE.

Expected outcome

Smooth transition should be there as its working in Chrome.

Actual outcome

Drop down list used inside drop down menu has flicker effect.

Live Demo


Steps to reproduce

  1. Click drop-down-menu and select an item.
  2. Repeat the above step twice / thrice.

Sometimes it happens in first go.

Browsers Affected