PolymerElements / paper-dropdown-menu

A Material Design browser select element
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The paper-dropdown-menu is not accessible when using ChromeVox or VoiceOver #295

Closed keshshvets closed 4 years ago

keshshvets commented 6 years ago


The paper-dropdown-menu component is not accessible when using ChromeVox or VoiceOver. It is being announced as a text field (which also happens to be non-editable) instead of a combobox/button role.

Note that the light element mostly works as expected (it's reported as a combo box), except that you can't type into the element, as would be implied by the combobox role.

Expected outcome

After navigating to a paper-dropdown-menu, the screen reader should announce that the component is a combobox or a button (with popup content).

Actual outcome

After navigating to a paper-dropdown-menu, the screen reader announces that the component is a text field. Trying to type into the field does not work, leading to further confusion.

Live Demo

Use the existing demo as a reference: https://www.webcomponents.org/element/PolymerElements/paper-dropdown-menu/demo/demo/index.html

Steps to reproduce

Visit the live demo, enable the screen reader, and navigate to the paper-dropdown-menu component. Listen to what the screen reader announces.

Browsers Affected

bicknellr commented 4 years ago

This should be fixed by #317 and available in v3.1.0.