PolymerElements / paper-input

A Material Design text field
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Import of typography.html overrides any --paper-font-common-base mixin set. #584

Open KeithHenry opened 6 years ago

KeithHenry commented 6 years ago

paper-input imports ../paper-styles/typography.html in three places:




Each of these will cause any --paper-font-common-base mixin that is already set to be overridden with the typography.

Instead paper-input should not re-import typography.html, but it should include a comment similar to paper-radio-button's approach:

This element applies the mixin `--paper-font-common-base` but does not import `paper-styles/typography.html`.
In order to apply the `Roboto` font to this element, make sure you've imported `paper-styles/typography.html`.

See also this issue on paper-styles and this SO question.

renfeng commented 6 years ago

Paper elements should have consistency over --paper-font-common-base. I'd vote for paper-radio-button's approach as @KeithHenry suggested.