PolymerElements / paper-input

A Material Design text field
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`paper-input` with `paper-icon-button` as a suffix can't loose focus #631

Open jarrodek opened 6 years ago

jarrodek commented 6 years ago


When you have input that contains paper-icon-button as a suffix it is impossible to use tab to move to the button because paper-input gets focus when button is focused.


<paper-input label="username">
  <paper-icon-button slot="suffix" icon="clear" alt="clear" title="clear"></paper-icon-button>

Expected outcome

Should be able to move focus from input to paper button.

Actual outcome

Focus going back to the input element instead of button.

Live Demo

Paper input demo page. Section Inputs can have prefixes and suffixes.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Append paper-icon-button as a suffix of paper input
  2. Focus on input field
  3. Use tab key.

Browsers Affected

I am using Ubuntu right now so I can test for chrome and FF only.

HJK181 commented 5 years ago

Any chance this get's fixed?