PolymerElements / paper-input

A Material Design text field
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paper input container throwing null ref exception #634

Closed jogibear9988 closed 6 years ago

jogibear9988 commented 6 years ago

I use this code in my index.html:

            <label slot="label"><t-t>Username</t-t></label>
            <iron-input slot="input">
                <input style="all: inherit; background: transparent; border: none;" type="text" id="username" label="Username" required autocomplete="on">

but paper input container is throwing a exception in line


because of this._inputElement is null.

I could not explain it! When I debug my code, the paper-input-container has no children. But after that, the code is displayed and works as expected! Has anyone any idea?

notwaldorf commented 6 years ago

Distribution is asynchronous, so if you're writing a test where you are checking for the presence of the input element, you need to wait a tick (wrap the test in a Polymer.Base.Async or a setTimeout)

Otherwise, I can't reproduce this just by dropping an element in the page, so it's probably some JS code you wrote: http://jsbin.com/hovahac/edit?html,output