PolymerElements / paper-input

A Material Design text field
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Label and placeholder share colors #676

Open andria-dev opened 5 years ago

andria-dev commented 5 years ago


In the paper-input element, it isn't possible to change the color of the placeholder independently from the label's color via the CSS variables.

I am trying to create a paper-input element where the color of the label is white while the placeholder is the default #757575.

Expected outcome

Placeholder color is #757575 Label color is white

Actual outcome

Placeholder color is white Input color is white

Live Demo


Steps to reproduce

  1. Put a paper-input element in the page
  2. Give it a placeholder
  3. Give it a Label
  4. Create a css file
  5. Put the following in it:
    paper-input {
    --paper-input-container-color: white;

Browsers Affected

Affects all browsers that can do CSS Variables I suppose