PolymerElements / paper-progress

A Material Design progress
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Content arrangement #14

Closed krainboltgreene closed 8 years ago

krainboltgreene commented 8 years ago

Often times the UI will need to accommodate text inside the progress bar, adjacent to the progress bar, above, or under.

Currently it doesn't seem to accommodate any of these well?

blasten commented 8 years ago

No. I'm not sure why paper-progress should take care of this issue. Can you give me an example?

krainboltgreene commented 8 years ago

http://getbootstrap.com/components/#progress-label http://zurb.com/building-blocks/dashboard-control-tabs http://semantic-ui.com/modules/progress.html http://concisecss.com/add-ons/progress-bars/

blasten commented 8 years ago

We currently don't support that use case, but you can use an iron-range-behavior for that case: https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-range-behavior.


krainboltgreene commented 8 years ago

Yes, I know you don't, this is a feature suggestion.

blasten commented 8 years ago

sounds good to me.

keanulee commented 8 years ago

The material design spec (https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/progress-activity.html) does not suggest having text inside the progress bar. Because the paper elements tries to adhere to those specifications, there is no supported way to add text within the bar. For custom styling, please use https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-range-behavior.