PolymerElements / paper-progress

A Material Design progress
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How to animate paper progress manually? #37

Closed rycastaneda closed 8 years ago

rycastaneda commented 8 years ago

Hi! is there a document where we can see how to animate the progress manually?

keanulee commented 8 years ago

Not sure what you mean exactly, but from the docs (https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/paper-progress):

Add the class transiting to a paper-progress to animate the progress bar when the value changed. You can also customize the transition:

    paper-progress {
      --paper-progress-transition-duration: 0.08s;
      --paper-progress-transition-timing-function: ease;
      --paper-progress-transition-transition-delay: 0s;

Here is a JS Bin example - http://jsbin.com/socaviwuda/edit?html,output