PolymerElements / paper-progress

A Material Design progress
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Fix for IE's classList.toggle only supporting 1 parameter, add bower_components .gitignore #4

Closed adalinesimonian closed 9 years ago

adalinesimonian commented 9 years ago

Internet Exploder Explorer has an incomplete implementation of classList.toggle, in that it only accepts one parameter - the name of the class. Hence, when displaying any page with a <paper-progress> element, the element would start off in indeterminate mode, and any change to the indeterminate property would simply toggle the mode on and off without regard to the property's value. I've rewritten the _toggleIndeterminate function to use toggleClass from the Polymer core, which handles the second boolean parameter and thus fixes the bug.

Also, I noticed .gitignore was missing, so I threw one in.

blasten commented 9 years ago

Thanks for this! lgtm

adalinesimonian commented 9 years ago

Anytime! :+1: