PolymerElements / paper-progress

A Material Design progress
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RFE: indication of progress too small to see #62

Open davidmaxwaterman opened 7 years ago

davidmaxwaterman commented 7 years ago

I am using paper-progress to show progress uploading a large file. Unfortunately, the changes are so small that it looks a lot like it has stalled, even though the progress is being updated more frequently than is apparent.

Can I suggest that the progress bar have a green pixel-wide leading edge that shows when an 'invisible' update is made, and fades to the normal colour over about a second? ...or something similar?

davidmaxwaterman commented 7 years ago

I'm wondering if I might be able to use the 'secondary progress' option for this; but there doesn't seem to be any demo on webcomponents.org:

"There is also a secondary progress which is useful for displaying intermediate progress, such as the buffer level during a streaming playback progress bar."