PolymerX / polymer-skeleton

:skull: Skeleton for Polymer 3 app with Webpack, PostCSS and Service Workers ready.
MIT License
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$PORT not defined on Windows #125

Closed DanielRuf closed 6 years ago

DanielRuf commented 6 years ago

On Windows $PORT is not set so the start script does not work by default.

LasaleFamine commented 6 years ago

Hi @DanielRuf, actually the "start" script is used to deploy the Skeleton on Heroku.

Of course you should change that script for your personal setup, but I would not consider this as a bug for the Skeleton.

Anyway, once the polymerx-cli will be completed, we won't have this kind of problem.

Sounds good?

LasaleFamine commented 6 years ago

I'm closing this one then.