PolymerX / polymer-skeleton

:skull: Skeleton for Polymer 3 app with Webpack, PostCSS and Service Workers ready.
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Branching for Polymer 2 - Webpack - PostCSS #17

Closed LasaleFamine closed 6 years ago

LasaleFamine commented 7 years ago

Yep, but maybe in a month or two. Will be also the v2 of the Polymer Skeleton. 🚀

LasaleFamine commented 7 years ago

What about upgrading everything to Polymer 2 now as first thing todo? I think we should NOT cover IE11, so we can also avoid transpilation with babel. Also we may need to rework something about webpack, but we haven't yet a build process, so could be great work on it with the new Polymer version. cc: @equinusocio

equinusocio commented 7 years ago

I agree. There is no problems about the rc release? I mean breaking changes before the final release..

LasaleFamine commented 7 years ago

RC will not have breaking changes, but if will have some, I think will be small changes, so no problems!

We can close a bunch of issues before pushing the branch to the master.

LasaleFamine commented 7 years ago

So we need to switch from Webpack to Polymer-cli. Related #6.

Also we need to integrate the polymer serve withpostcss and browser-sync (basically with our dev command).

Another thing could be to think about the folder structure as ferrety proposed with:

LasaleFamine commented 7 years ago

I will be back on this and other issues this week end.

LasaleFamine commented 7 years ago

Proposal (just thinking):

During the development process the .postcss and the .html will be watched. When .postcss is modified, the content is transpiled and is putted within the .html.

As we will not use webpack we can try to use the new Githubissues.

  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.