PolymerX / polymerx-cli

:zap: Unlock the power of Polymer 3, Web Components and modern web tools.
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Global installation with yarn no create global command polymerx #6

Closed jagcolombat closed 6 years ago

jagcolombat commented 6 years ago

I'm working on Windows 10 and after install polymerx-cli (yarn add global polymerx-cli), polymerx command not exist. Moving to (cd command) to node_modules/.bin into folder installation is recognized polymerx. Proccess installation should set path installation (node_modules/.bin) to system variables or explain how execute properly polymerx on Windows.

LasaleFamine commented 6 years ago

Hi @jagcolombat, actually I think your issue is related to yarn and the installation on your system. Did you try with NPM?

I think your issue could be related to https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/1491.

I'm able to work on Windows using NPM to install the polymerx-cli globally.

jagcolombat commented 6 years ago

I'm able to work on Windows using NPM to install the polymerx-cli globally.

Successfully confirmed

LasaleFamine commented 6 years ago

I'm closing this one since could be a package manager - OS related problem.

I hope you are able to work with the CLI. Feel free to reopen this or open a new issue if you have other problems.