Pomax / are-we-flying

Writing auto-pilots in JavaScript for MSFS
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Update auto-rudder #18

Closed Pomax closed 9 months ago

Pomax commented 1 year ago

It should be taking "is our drifting across the runway increasing, despite active rudder? If so, increase drift correction" into account.

Pomax commented 1 year ago

Adding a static drift correction so we can track drift over time - not a fan of auto-takeoff needing to be stateful, but it is what it is...?

Pomax commented 1 year ago

Really need a solution for the Kodiak, because it'll immediately veer left on lift off, and it stupidly over-corrects for drift angle in the air.

Pomax commented 9 months ago

good enough now. The DC-3 fails, but that's not my problem.