Pomax / bezierjs

A nodejs and client-side library for (cubic) Bezier curve work
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Path segmentation based on flatness #172

Open ccprog opened 2 years ago

ccprog commented 2 years ago

This is a follow-up to #101.

I recently came across this paper outlining an algorithm by Roger Willcocks for subdividing Bezier curves based on "flatness", which means a maximum error tolerance for an approximating polygon.

What's nice is that it does not need to compute curvature, but just the appropriate Bernstein polynomial. Thus an approach of recursively dividing the curve by half, and then testing each half for flatness works sufficiently fast. Here is the core code in Javascript:

function isFlatEnough(points, flatness) {
    // cubic case
    const ux = 3 * points[1].x - 2 * points[0].x - points[3].x;
    const uy = 3 * points[1].y - 2 * points[0].y - points[3].y;
    const vx = 3 * points[2].x - 2 * points[3].x - points[0].x;
    const vy = 3 * points[2].y - 2 * points[3].y - points[0].y;

    return Math.max(ux*ux, vx*vx) + Math.max(uy*uy, vy*vy) <= 16 * flatness*flatness;

If you are interested to add this to your library, maybe as a flatten method, I would be prepared to do a PR.

To get a feeling for efficiency, contrast this with the algorithm used by Ghostscript, which computes the number of steps needed once, and then goes on just like your LUT:

 * To calculate how many points to sample along a path in order to
 * approximate it to the desired degree of flatness, we define
 *      dist((x,y)) = abs(x) + abs(y);
 * then the number of points we need is
 *      N = 1 + sqrt(3/4 * D / flatness),
 * where
 *      D = max(dist(p0 - 2*p1 + p2), dist(p1 - 2*p2 + p3)).
 * Since we are going to use a power of 2 for the number of intervals,
 * we can avoid the square root by letting
 *      N = 1 + 2^(ceiling(log2(3/4 * D / flatness) / 2)).
 * (Reference: DEC Paris Research Laboratory report #1, May 1989.)

I did not verify the math used here, but provided its been part of the software for probably 30 years, I assume it is solid.

I tried out what happens with a cubic Bezier of (0,0, 95,10, 60,-15, 80,120) and flatness = 0.1.

So in terms of computational effort, Ghostscript wins, but in terms of shortness of the table, Willcocks wins.

Qualitatively, here is a sceenshot from Inkscape to compare the samples:
