Pomax / bezierjs

A nodejs and client-side library for (cubic) Bezier curve work
MIT License
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The intersection of the two bezier is empty #203

Open ArtOfOmission opened 11 months ago

ArtOfOmission commented 11 months ago
var tt1 = new Bezier(20.294698715209961, 20.116849899291992,
 26.718513488769531, 28.516490936279297,
 33.345268249511719, 37.4105110168457,
var tt2 = new Bezier(43.967803955078125, 30.767040252685547,
43.967803955078125, 31.771089553833008,
35.013500213623047, 32.585041046142578,
23.967803955078125, 32.585041046142578);
var ttList = tt1.intersects(tt2);

The two bezier curves should intersect, but the result returned is empty, Two bezier curves are marked with red lines in the figure

屏幕截图 2023-07-26 102526

Pomax commented 11 months ago

You're not logging ttList in your console log instruction. You're logging an undefined variable tList. I can highly recommend installing a JS linting extension, or switching your theme, to make sure that undeclared variables are "obviously" highlighted as "this code has a problem even if it'll still run".

justvanrossum commented 11 months ago

I tried earlier, and the snippet (once the tList/ttList typo is fixed) indeed shows an empty result list, despite that the input curves indeed do visually intersect.

ArtOfOmission commented 11 months ago

thanks for the replay,ttList is alse empty.

ArtOfOmission commented 11 months ago

I tried earlier, and the snippet (once the tList/ttList typo is fixed) indeed shows an empty result list, despite that the input curves indeed do visually intersect.

I updated the code

ArtOfOmission commented 11 months ago

You're not logging ttList in your console log instruction. You're logging an undefined variable tList. I can highly recommend installing a JS linting extension, or switching your theme, to make sure that undeclared variables are "obviously" highlighted as "this code has a problem even if it'll still run".

I updated the code. The variable name is wrong, but the ttList is alse empty.

Pomax commented 11 months ago

console logging investigation:


      at Bezier.intersects (src/bezier.js:848:13)

      curveintersects args:

      at Bezier.curveintersects (src/bezier.js:886:13)

      c1 [
        Bezier {
          _3d: false,
          points: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          order: 3,
          dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
          dimlen: 2,
          _linear: true,
          _lut: [],
          _t1: 0,
          _t2: 0.05158051653718898,
          dpoints: [ [Array], [Array], [Array] ],
          clockwise: false
        Bezier {
          _3d: false,
          points: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          order: 3,
          dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
          dimlen: 2,
          _linear: true,
          _lut: [],
          _t1: 0.05158051653718898,
          _t2: 0.05455413371263488,
          dpoints: [ [Array], [Array], [Array] ],
          clockwise: false

      at Bezier.curveintersects (src/bezier.js:887:13)

      c2 [
        Bezier {
          _3d: false,
          points: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          order: 3,
          dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
          dimlen: 2,
          _linear: false,
          _lut: [],
          _t1: 0,
          _t2: 0.09,
          dpoints: [ [Array], [Array], [Array] ],
          clockwise: false
        Bezier {
          _3d: false,
          points: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          order: 3,
          dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
          dimlen: 2,
          _linear: false,
          _lut: [],
          _t1: 0.09,
          _t2: 1,
          dpoints: [ [Array], [Array], [Array] ],
          clockwise: false

      at Bezier.curveintersects (src/bezier.js:888:13)

      initial pairs []

      at Bezier.curveintersects (src/bezier.js:898:13)

      intersections []

      at Bezier.curveintersects (src/bezier.js:913:13)

  ● Intersection testing › https://github.com/Pomax/bezierjs/issues/203
Pomax commented 11 months ago

Looks like the this.reduce() call in intersects yields a curve set that does not span the full [0,1] interval.

Pomax commented 11 months ago

      at Bezier.intersects (src/bezier.js:859:13)

      first pass reductions: [
        Bezier {
          _3d: false,
          points: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          order: 3,
          dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
          dimlen: 2,
          _linear: true,
          _lut: [],
          _t1: 0,
          _t2: 0.05158051653718898,
          dpoints: [ [Array], [Array], [Array] ],
          clockwise: false
        Bezier {
          _3d: false,
          points: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          order: 3,
          dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
          dimlen: 2,
          _linear: true,
          _lut: [],
          _t1: 0.05158051653718898,
          _t2: 0.05455413371263488,
          dpoints: [ [Array], [Array], [Array] ],
          clockwise: false
        Bezier {
          _3d: false,
          points: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          order: 3,
          dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
          dimlen: 2,
          _linear: false,
          _lut: [],
          _t1: 0.05455413371263488,
          _t2: 1,
          dpoints: [ [Array], [Array], [Array] ],
          clockwise: true

      at Bezier.reduce (src/bezier.js:601:13)

      second pass on: Bezier {
        _3d: false,
        points: [
          { x: 20.29469871520996, y: 20.116849899291992 },
          { x: 20.62604239936939, y: 20.550107722706766 },
          { x: 20.95792601544804, y: 20.98468086613082 },
          { x: 21.289809631526694, y: 21.419325704546704 }
        order: 3,
        dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
        dimlen: 2,
        _linear: true,
        _lut: [],
        _t1: 0,
        _t2: 0.05158051653718898,
        dpoints: [
          [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          [ [Object], [Object] ],
          [ [Object] ]
        clockwise: false

      at forEach (src/bezier.js:605:15)
          at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

      t1: 0, t2: 1.0100000000000007

      at forEach (src/bezier.js:629:15)
          at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

      second pass on: Bezier {
        _3d: false,
        points: [
          { x: 21.289809631526694, y: 21.419325704546704 },
          { x: 21.308942724548533, y: 21.44438298282736 },
          { x: 21.328075817570372, y: 21.469440499388 },
          { x: 21.347208807140635, y: 21.49449801594864 }
        order: 3,
        dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
        dimlen: 2,
        _linear: true,
        _lut: [],
        _t1: 0.05158051653718898,
        _t2: 0.05455413371263488,
        dpoints: [
          [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          [ [Object], [Object] ],
          [ [Object] ]
        clockwise: false

      at forEach (src/bezier.js:605:15)
          at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

      t1: 0, t2: 1.0100000000000007

      at forEach (src/bezier.js:629:15)
          at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

      second pass on: Bezier {
        _3d: false,
        points: [
          { x: 21.347208807140635, y: 21.494498015948643 },
          { x: 27.430441729082755, y: 29.46140298519073 },
          { x: 33.50321685100052, y: 37.42830795443282 },
          { x: 36.24053192138672, y: 37.73673629760742 }
        order: 3,
        dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
        dimlen: 2,
        _linear: false,
        _lut: [],
        _t1: 0.05455413371263488,
        _t2: 1,
        dpoints: [
          [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          [ [Object], [Object] ],
          [ [Object] ]
        clockwise: true

      at forEach (src/bezier.js:605:15)
          at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
Pomax commented 11 months ago
      second pass on: Bezier {
        _3d: false,
        points: [
          { x: 21.347208807140635, y: 21.494498015948643 },
          { x: 27.430441729082755, y: 29.46140298519073 },
          { x: 33.50321685100052, y: 37.42830795443282 },
          { x: 36.24053192138672, y: 37.73673629760742 }
        order: 3,
        dims: [ 'x', 'y' ],
        dimlen: 2,
        _linear: false,
        _lut: [],
        _t1: 0.05455413371263488,
        _t2: 1,
        dpoints: [
          [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
          [ [Object], [Object] ],
          [ [Object] ]
        clockwise: true

      at forEach (src/bezier.js:605:15)
          at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

      dead segment for t1:0 and t2:0

Looks like the second pass in the reduction function needs some proper debugging.