Pomax / bezierjs

A nodejs and client-side library for (cubic) Bezier curve work
MIT License
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Ability to get and estimate the centerline of a list of 3D points #206

Closed omaramen99 closed 10 months ago

omaramen99 commented 10 months ago

Can I use this library to get the center of set of 3D points as a curve or straight line? similar to the following sample image sample

Pomax commented 10 months ago

You'd need a polynomial regression library for that I'm afraid.

omaramen99 commented 10 months ago

Thank you.

Pomax commented 10 months ago

I've updated your comment just to remove the endorsement, because there are plenty of choices, and especially in the JS world, libraries come and go really fast so everyone can have a look for options if and when they run into the same problem.