Pomax / node-flickrapi

A node.js (and client-library) implementation of the Flickr API with oauth API key authentication and API method proxying
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Add XML parser and replaced current response parser #105

Closed madkoding closed 6 years ago

madkoding commented 6 years ago

This will check correctly if there are errors in api request (Like permissions errors that not returns in previous code)

Now return the error in json format as well the photoid

Pomax commented 6 years ago

Kind of confused here: why did you close this PR?

madkoding commented 6 years ago

Oh, i closed by mistake :p

Pomax commented 6 years ago

awesome, thanks. I will merge this when I get home later today and then push a new version up to npm

madkoding commented 6 years ago

No new version yet?

Pomax commented 6 years ago

sorry about that, I've been in the middle of moving house so some things have fallen off my radar that shouldn't have.

Pomax commented 6 years ago

hm, so I had to revert landing this patch because I just noticed that on systems that are "just someone's computer" rather than a hardcore dev machine, this relies on node-gyp building node-expat, which is no good. Almost now regular folks have a working C++ compilation setup on Windows - a different XML reader will have to be used (and it doesn't need to read in the XML as json, just xml parsing should be fine too for what it's being used for)

madkoding commented 6 years ago

I'll try then with xml2js, wich not use node-expat and then i'll make a new pull request