Pomax / nrGrammar

The Nihongo Resources grammar book: "An Introduction to Japanese; Syntax, Grammar & Language"
334 stars 36 forks source link

Sticky: How to help out, or suggest changes [click this to find out how to contribute] #1

Open Pomax opened 10 years ago

Pomax commented 10 years ago

This data is open to contributions

Typos? Missing, incomplete, or wrong explanations? Suggestions to improve the book on the whole? If you have a github account (which are free to set up) you can actually edit the files on this repository and send those changes my way automatically in a fairly simple, painless way.

Spotted a typo?

Cool! If you spot any typos and you want to fix them, head over to one of the chapters, open them in your browser, and then hit the "edit" button in the upper-ish right (next to 'raw', 'blame', etc).

Simply fix the typo, and then at the bottom of the page in the comment-form-looking-form, add a quick description of the changes. Then hit the big green button and I'll be notified of the change you'd like to see made. All I have to do is press another big green button and the change'll be committed for the rest of the world to see.

Missing something?

If you think the book should have something that it currently doesn't, then file a "new issue", with a short subject descriptor, and an "as long as you feel it needs to be to describe what you think should be added" description, and I'll be automatically notified of your request.

some other idea?

Just file an issue and describe what you'd like to see happening, and we can discuss it as much as we like and/or need to.