Pomax / ucharclasses

A XeLaTeX package that lets you insert arbitrary code between characters from different unicode blocks
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License? #1

Closed pmav99 closed 11 years ago

pmav99 commented 12 years ago

What's the license status?

Pomax commented 12 years ago

original version is "let me know if you want something changed, and I'll change it." New version will be under a GNU-compatible license.

pmav99 commented 12 years ago

Thank you. Does this means that the new version is going to be available through texlive?

Pomax commented 12 years ago

pretty sure texlive lets you call CTAN installs already, it just doesn't default-install packages in the "not-free" category (which is a misnomer). But yes, the next version will be submitted to CTAN in the free category and should then be part of the default TeX Live install.

pmav99 commented 12 years ago

Great! Any hint about when the next version is going to be ready?

Pomax commented 12 years ago

not at this time. There's a number of projects I'm working on at the moment, and publishing Japanese text books isn't one of them so I'm not actually a user of my own product atm. Someone had contributed a much better option switching codepath, but I'm not sure what happened to that...

pmav99 commented 12 years ago

I see. Well then we will have to wait.

Ucharclasses is a great package for those of us that don't use the latin alphabet. I use it mainly to change the hyphenation rules between greek and english. I don't mind installing manually, but people who are new to LaTeX find it difficult to do it (windows users mostly).

Anyway, thank you for your work. Whenever you feel that it is ready we will be waiting for the release :)

regards Panos.

Pomax commented 12 years ago

found the improved version by Enrico Gregorio. I'll be updating master to that and then resubmit to CTAN. Should make life easier for everyone.

pmav99 commented 12 years ago

Great thanx!

pmav99 commented 11 years ago

Any updates?

EDIT I've read this thread http://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2012-July/023295.html but ctan doesn't seem to have any changes http://www.ctan.org/pkg/ucharclasses

so has the new version been uploaded or not?

regards Panos

Pomax commented 11 years ago

Gah. Time goes by too quickly T_T

running retests now, if they check out I'll update CTAN (or at least, submit)

pmav99 commented 11 years ago

Thank you very much. This is great news indeed! :)

Pomax commented 11 years ago

v2.0 landed, and submitted to CTAN.