Pomilui / Akira_Page

This page is for the Coding and Data Visualation project on the Akira anime.
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Corrections #10

Closed Pomilui closed 5 years ago

Pomilui commented 6 years ago

@ebeshero @quantum-satire @MarkTheShark01

Hey, all. I've started to make corrections (including the incorrectly spelled "colonel") to the AkiraODD and AkiraTEI. However, when I'm making changes to both, I'm still getting an error "value of attribute "who" is invalid. It must be equal to... #akirafan... and the rest in AkiraTEI.xml. When I'm adding missing characters or changing the spelling of some in the valList in AkiraODD and the particDesc in AkiraTEI, should I be using the wrench to be able to use remove the errors in the AkiraTEI?


ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@Pomilui Yes--you'll need to "run the wrench" in oXygen to re-generate the Relax-NG schema so it'll run your updated schema rules.

Pomilui commented 6 years ago

@ebeshero @quantum-satire @MarkTheShark01

Update: I'm down to 2 errors left, and they are both like this:
<sp who="#council6 #council5" n="533" from="00:46:17.206" to="00:46:20.917" > <l>- Take that "old man" comment back! - Your lack of policy started this mess!</l> </sp>

where the DVD subtitle software captured two lines from two different speakers (not being controlled by anyone else). Should I create an new <sp> with n=533.5 and some estimate of "from...to"?

****Edit: I did pretty much what's up there ^^^^^, and Akiratei.xml is all green (for now). Future mark ups will change that for sure.


ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@Pomilui w00t! Congrats on cleaning up the new TEI-ified Akira script! Note: the @from and @to attributes are not required on <sp> elements--they're only optional (as I noticed that not all of your <sp> elements have time information associated with them. I'm glad to see this came back green for you! :-) Now, onwards to processing! You can put that up in the eXist-db and query away...and you can transform it, too.... I think we'll maybe use your fresh new script for the homework assignment coming up on Monday (due next Wed.)....