Pomilui / Akira_Page

This page is for the Coding and Data Visualation project on the Akira anime.
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New Control Scene Network #17

Closed Pomilui closed 6 years ago

Pomilui commented 6 years ago

@ebeshero @MarkTheShark01 @quantum-satire

Hey, all. I finished adding all of the control scenes and made a new network graph with the latest commit. It may need touching up to look good for potentially putting on the back of the DH T-Shirts.

Dr. B, please let me know what needs done to pretty up the network. I used the same settings in "Visualize Parameters" as the first one, but it may look better if done differently. I separated the characters by faction.

Node size by Degree ----
Node color by Avg Shortest Path Length Map edge size by EdgeBetweenness ------
Map edge color by EdgeBetweenness

Everyone feel free to play with the network. While it may not represent who has the most control in the movie, it will suffice for some kind of connection between which characters are involved in control. Thanks.

Pomilui commented 6 years ago

@ebeshero I see the new Network design, and all I have to say is, "Oh my!" It looks great! Thanks, Dr. B.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@Pomilui Hang on...I'm still tinkering with fonts...and it may change at the T-shirt store...

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@Pomilui Okay! I think I've got the proof finished for the backs of the T-shirts: https://github.com/Pomilui/Akira_Page/blob/master/Cytoscape%20Files/AkiraNet_Transp.png

Pomilui commented 6 years ago

@ebeshero Excellent! The dates on there have a mix of retro and modern times. Thanks.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@Pomilui I'm going to ask the class if each of us wants this on the back of a shirt. I imagine you and @MarkTheShark01 and @quantum-satire will want it, but let's make sure...I'd like some help covering the extra expense of printing on the backs of the shirts (=not much, but it adds up!)