Pomilui / Akira_Page

This page is for the Coding and Data Visualation project on the Akira anime.
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Akira in TEI with ODD #7

Closed ebeshero closed 5 years ago

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@Pomilui @MarkTheShark01 @quantum-satire @jonhoranic To save you all a little time and get you ready to process and query your code, I did a little work on the Akira script this evening. Basically, I worked on some regex, a little XSLT, and some TEI ODD writing (stuff you all aren't familiar with yet), to convert your file into TEI and make sure everything is well-formed and valid.

Here's the commit with the new TEI stuff! https://github.com/Pomilui/Akira_Page/commit/99f6dde84d5d03ff235dd0d252cc9729f21b44d0

There are some new tags here, and a new way of making a schema. The remaining problems are all to do with inconsistent attribute values, and you'll either need to choose from your legal list of attributes or add a new value to your ODD attribute lists. I'd like to review the ODD with you ASAP to show you how to update it, and how to use <oXygen/> to generate your new project schema. There are probably some more rules you'd like to be customizing here, once you see how this works.