Ponce / slackbuilds

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recode not building for current #239

Closed rizitis closed 1 month ago

rizitis commented 1 month ago

recode is not building for current and as maintainer explain in README :

NOTE: We are unable to update past 3.7.13 due to Slackware 15.0's
                 autoconf being too old (2.69). recode-3.7.14+ requires autoconf 2.71+.

Used these sources:


https://github.com/gnulib-modules/bootstrap/archive/8161486733/bootstrap-8161486733a34d19c7b2b741fab5ade4b6a31c98.tar.gz https://codeload.github.com/coreutils/gnulib/tar.gz/refs/tags/v1.0 https://github.com/rrthomas/recode/releases/download/v3.7.14/recode-3.7.14.tar.gz

Also a small modification needed to SlackBuild:

cd $PRGNAM-$VERSION || exit
# Extract gnulib and bootstrap with corrected paths
mkdir -p gnulib
mkdir -p bootstrap1

tar xvf $CWD/gnulib-$GNULIBVER.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C gnulib/
tar xvf $CWD/bootstrap-$BOOTSTRAPVER.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C bootstrap1/

# Copy the bootstrap script to the current directory
cp bootstrap1/bootstrap .

# Ensure the bootstrap script is executable
chmod +x ./bootstrap

# Check if bootstrap script is in the expected location
if [ ! -f ./bootstrap ]; then
  echo "Error: bootstrap script not found in the current directory after extraction."
  exit 1

chown -R root:root .

Builds and run fine.

Ponce commented 1 month ago

hi @rizitis ,

I'm not sure what's happening there but the version of recode we have in SBo for 15.0 just built fine here on current too...