PonomarevDA / tools

Cyphal, DroneCAN and stm32 related tools
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nodes registers tools error #19

Open hve4638 opened 4 months ago

hve4638 commented 4 months ago

I am currently trying the tools related to https://github.com/PonomarevDA/tools, but I encounter an error because the command git clone https://github.com/RaccoonlabDev/raccoonlab_nodes_configs.git does not work. I think this repository is private so I can access this.

Therefore, I am attempting to use the tools from the following git link, which is not the most recent version: 8d86e97d3e0ce6ef49a24cb969c1b877a387363c



When I run pytest specification_checker.py, it shows that the Register id is False.


Regarding GNSS, it is as follows: /gnss/full_registers.yaml

The configuration for full_registers.yaml does not work.


PonomarevDA commented 4 months ago

an error because the command git clone https://github.com/RaccoonlabDev/raccoonlab_nodes_configs.git does not work

This happened because the repo the with config files does not currently exist. As mentioned in the readme, the tools package is under development. But you can use most of the features without those config files, or you can write your own. I will create this repo some time later.

pytest specification_checker.py, it shows that the Register id is False

This is the expected behavior. The specification says about the registers that The name should contain at least one full stop character. The script found that the firmware violates the standard. I assume you use v1.2.14_b4e042b software or older (you can check it with yakut). I recommend updating to the latest version. Please, check gnss docs or general firmware upload page.

The gnss/full_registers.yaml and save_config.sh script are quite old. I would recommend using yakut for parameters configuration.