Poobslag / turbofat

Block-dropping puzzle game
MIT License
47 stars 15 forks source link

Create credits sequence #2199

Closed Poobslag closed 5 months ago

Poobslag commented 11 months ago
Poobslag commented 10 months ago

Everyone: Woohoo! Yeahh! Congratulations! You did it!
p1: Thanks, Fat Sensei.
s1: Oh! You still remember my name.
p1: Your name!? Of course I remember your name.
s1: ...Ha ha. You forget sometimes.
p1: You're so weird! ...Don't worry. I'll try not to forget. ...So when do I get my plaque?
c: Plaque? We can't just give away plaques! But they sell those in the gift shop.
p1: Gift shop!?!

(And so Player and Fat Sensei proceeded to the Zagma gift shop, where Player purchased their very own Zagma Chef Of The Year plaque for ¥3000.

Fat Sensei refused to help pay for the plaque. "¥3000 is a considerable investment, it's best you do it yourself.")

Everyone: Hooray! Yay! You did it! Wow!!!
Bones: Chef of the year? Wow, that's amazing!
Mara: Wow, they gave you a plaque and everything!?
p1: I bought it in the gift shop...
Everyone: Yaaaay! New plaque! New plaque!!

We'll want this sequence to happen too. I don't know if this will use the in-game-assets or some kind of custom drawn celebration screens. The latter might be more special.

Poobslag commented 8 months ago

Let's start out by just having the credits using the music we already have. Depending on how the post-game goes, we might be satisfied with this or we might go for some big over-the-top "hey you almost made it, but there's a better ending" type ending, and this will drastically change how we approach the credits, such as licensing another song.

Poobslag commented 6 months ago

I'm still working on the credits sequence; here is my todo list for March along with a few notes.

*gift shop sequence is available in game
*confetti cannons are available in game
*credit scroll is available in game
*credits 'floaty orb' stuff
*everyone waiting for you outside sequence is available in game
*cutscene viewport appears in credits
*credits 'tossed in the air' stuff
*credits 'matsuri sequence' stuff
*'one environment' stuff
*credits 'character pinup' stuff

-credits pinup details: moods
 -play moods
 -verify loads fatness

-credits pinup details: transitions
 -transformed appearance
  -draw art
  -add to game
 -sync transformation with music
 -draw 11-17 character portraits
  -sailor moon
  -rufus (street fighter)
  -jacko (pose)
  -muscle march
  -dab (pose)
 -creatures fatness is set appropriately
  -fatness from your playhrough
  -weird 'Condition "!id_map.has(p_rid.get_data())" is true. Returned: nullptr' errors
  -weird 'drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp:579 - Condition "!texture" is true.' errors

-credits 'ending screen' stuff
 -export assets for game
 -add/animate assets in game
 -plaque w/completion percent?
 -sync with music (sugar crash)
-update wiki with new locations (res://src/demo/chat/ui/chatscript-table-demo.gd)

-can we initialize all these credits assets up front, for smoother performance? or thread it?
-tweak credits -- one movie on left, one movie on right
-hook credits into beating the game
 -plays regular 'congratulations', confetti scene
 -plays gift shop sequence
 -plays 'everyone waiting for you outside' sequence
 -plays credits
 -ending screen
-career day ends; takes you back to title screen

-unlock jaco when you beat the game
-delete 'credits.txt' from /tree/main/license
-add a way to view credits from the main menu or options menu
 -boring (no cool ending stuff)

0:00: credits roll starts; turbo fat
0:10: floaty loading orb appears; you can aim the pieces
0:20: pictures start showing up; x4
0:40: fat sensei and player tossed into the air

Player and Fat Sensei started this journey with just one moderately successful restaurant, and a dream. But after a long tireless journey, they had several more moderately successful restaurants. And a plaque.

As Player looked out across their sea of loyal friends and loving customers, they reflected on those special individuals without whom they may have never thought to purchase a plaque!

1:04: silly portraits; x4, x3+6; player appears but isn't shot
1:30: matsuri-style section
1:50: thank you for playing turbo fat (end screen)

1:35.600: first beat of second chorus

0:16-0:33 -- 3 pinups (goris (m), mara (f), shirts (f)
1:06-1:20 -- 4 pinups (tunathy (m), frungle (m), bones (m), namory (f))
1:20-1:35 -- 2 pinups, fakeout (fat sensei (m), #player#, alyssa (f))
Poobslag commented 5 months ago


Our initial version of the credits on 75f1059c5c363e048bdf71d8ec849eb52f5bfea9 only loaded the cutscenes as needed, which uses about 5.1% less memory but introduces some ugly hiccups during the credits.


The newer version of the credits loads all cutscenes up front, toggling them visible/invisible.

Poobslag commented 5 months ago

Here is the final list of tasks which I did to add the credits to the game. I don't think I will ever have a use for this list, but it was a part of my life for four months and I don't want to delete it

*gift shop sequence is available in game
*confetti cannons are available in game
*credit scroll is available in game
*credits 'floaty orb' stuff
*everyone waiting for you outside sequence is available in game
*cutscene viewport appears in credits
*credits 'tossed in the air' stuff
*credits 'matsuri sequence' stuff
*'one environment' stuff
*credits 'character pinup' stuff
*credits pinup details: moods
*credits pinup details: transitions
*credits 'ending screen' stuff
*can we initialize all these credits assets up front, for smoother performance? or thread it?
%tweak credits -- one movie on left, one movie on right
*bug: weird gap in audience during crowd surf scene?
*continuous cheering during audience scenes
*hook credits into beating the game
*unlock jaco when you beat the game
*delete 'credits.txt' from /tree/main/license
*add a way to view credits from the main menu or options menu