Pool-Of-Tears / Myne

An android app to download & read ebooks from Project Gutenberg, built with Jetpack Compose.
Apache License 2.0
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Additional sources #44

Closed ghost closed 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Standard Ebooks provides project gutenberg books with standardized formatting, various editorial tweaks, and rich metadata. They also provide OPDS feeds to browse their collection. Apparently, this is locked behind a Patreon donation, but Foliate sources from SE so I assume they make an exception for FOSS projects.

Link: https://standardebooks.org/

ghost commented 1 year ago

There's also Feedbooks which provides an OPDS feed for public domain works.

Link: https://www.feedbooks.com/catalog/public_domain

starry-shivam commented 1 year ago

so I assume they make an exception for FOSS projects.

Sorry, but I haven't been able to find anything related to this on their website, they also require sign-in to read/parse feeds which means I'll need to hardcode my credentials in the app for it to work or ask users to sign-in with their credentials which is too much work and not really worth it imo..