Closed ArtPoon closed 5 years ago
There are 4 .nwk files along with a text file summarizing the clmp output in ~/beijing/CNclmpData on my profile.
3 Root to tip trees and their associated clump RData are now in ~/beijing/CNclmpData on my profile. In addition, the associated R-script for tracking purposes
Thanks! Focus on the TN model analysis for now, but if you're still interested in tinkering with these data, here is an extended R script that prepares files for LSD analysis:
nwk <- read.tree('~/work/beijing/data/01AE-BeijingFT.nwk')
years <- as.integer(gsub(".+_([0-9]+)$", "\\1", nwk$tip.label))
rooted <- rtt(nwk, tip.dates=years)
write.tree(rooted, file='~/work/beijing/data/01AE-rtt.nwk')
n.days <- function(year, month) {
# @param year: string (number) or integer for full year, e.g., '1997'
# @param month: string (number) or integer for month
start <- as.Date(paste(year, month, '01', sep='-'))
if (month == '12') {
# increment to start of next year
end <- as.Date(paste(as.integer(year)+1, '01', '01', sep='-'))
} else {
end <- as.Date(paste(year, as.integer(month)+1, '01', sep='-'))
return(as.integer(difftime(end, start)))
} <- function(lo, hi){
mid <- as.integer(as.Date(lo,origin = "1970-01-01")) + as.integer(as.Date(hi,origin = "1970-01-01")-as.Date(lo,origin = "1970-01-01"))/2
return (mid)
} <- function(dt) {
return (as.double(dt) / 365.25 + 1970)
get.range <- function(x) {
x = as.character(x)
items <- strsplit(x, '-')[[1]]
year <- items[1]
if (length(items) == 1) {
## year only
low <- as.Date(paste(year, '01', '01', sep='-'))
high <- as.Date(paste(year, '12', '31', sep='-'))
else if (length(items) == 2) {
## year and month
month <- items[2]
# determine number of days in this month
days <- n.days(year, month)
low <- as.Date(paste(year, month, '01', sep='-'))
high <- as.Date(paste(year, month, days, sep='-'))
else {
# year, month, day
days <- items[3]
month <- items[2]
low <- as.Date(paste(year, month, days, sep='-'))
high <- low
return (c(low, high))
# write date file for LSD
temp.str <- write.tree(rooted)
write(gsub("NA;$", ":0;", temp.str), 'rooted.nwk') # replace NA root length
write(length(years), file='date_file.txt')
for (i in 1:length(years)) {
min.max <- get.range(years[i])
write(paste(nwk$tip.label[i],[1], min.max[2]))),
#[1]), ",",
#[2]), ")")),
file="date_file.txt", append=TRUE)
# run:
# lsd -i rooted.nwk -d date_file.txt -o lsd.nwk -c
res <- clmp(rooted)
save(res, file='foobar.Rdata')
You would have to install lsd and then we need to find a method to resolve the zero-length branches in the result. This is going to require some digging in the literature, e.g.,
I'd like to see what happens!