PopcornFX / O3DEPopcornFXPlugin

PopcornFX plugin for O3DE
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Deprecated LibraryDefinition warning #33

Closed mbalfour-amzn closed 1 year ago

mbalfour-amzn commented 1 year ago

When starting up PopcornFX in the O3DE development branch, the following warning is printed:

Module Manager: ==================================================================
ScriptCanvas: Trace::Warning
 D:\github\o3de\Gems\ScriptCanvas\Code\Include\ScriptCanvas/Libraries/Libraries.h(73): 'void __cdecl ScriptCanvas::Library::AddNodeToRegistry<struct PopcornFX::PopcornFXLibrary,class PopcornFX::Nodes::PopcornFXBroadcastNodeableNode>(struct ScriptCanvas::NodeRegistry &,const class AZStd::basic_string_view<char,struct AZStd::char_traits<char> > &)'
ScriptCanvas: LibraryDefinition is deprecated, please migrate to autogen node registry.

Ideally, the usage would be fixed so that no warning is printed.

ValPKFX commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank you for reporting this. The fix is included in the 2.15.1 release.