PopulationAndCommunityOntology / pco

An ontology about groups of interacting organisms such as populations and communities
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NTR: agricultural household #25

Closed ramonawalls closed 8 years ago

ramonawalls commented 8 years ago

Term has been requested for the SDGIO ontology. Should be a subclass of household. Will need to create the terms for agricultural elsewhere, perhaps as a role in SDGIO.

ramonawalls commented 8 years ago

@ pbuttigieg @mark-jensen Please let me know what you think will work best with the design patterns developing in SDGIO. I couldn't actually find "agricultural househould" referenced in any of the SDGs or targets.

Proposed possible definitions:

  1. A household in which the primary economic activity is agricultural.
  2. A household in which the majority of the members are engaged in agricultural occupations
  3. A household located in an agricultural area.

FYI, definition of household: A material entity that consists of one or more people who live in the same dwelling and also share at meals or living accommodation, and may consist of a single family or some other grouping of people.

ramonawalls commented 8 years ago

Added class http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PCO_0000028

mark-jensen commented 8 years ago

'agricultural household' appears in two indicators for Target 2.4

2.4.2: Percentage of agricultural households using irrigation systems compared to all agricultural households 2.4.3: Percentage of agricultural households using eco-friendly fertilizers compared to all agricultural households using fertilizers

Section IX from this doc from FAO may be of help. In particular beginning on pg. 188, IX.4 on "Definition of the agricultural household-firm". It is from 2007 though.

Proposed possible definitions:

  1. A household in which the primary economic activity is agricultural.
  2. A household in which the majority of the members are engaged in agricultural occupations
  3. A household located in an agricultural area.

3 will not work, for non-agricultural households exist in agricultural areas I believe. 2 is too narrow, since, from a quick look at the above doc, I take it that the common criteria for including a household in the "agricultural bin" is related to primary income source of least least one of its members.

However, a look at the above indicators shows a more narrow criteria, that of a household engaged in agricultural practices on the same land as the household.

mark-jensen commented 8 years ago

@rlwalls2008 I don't see where 'agricultural household' was added.

PCO_0000028 has the label: 'community'

ramonawalls commented 8 years ago

Hmm. Looks like a Protege numbering problem. I may have overwritten agricultural household when I added community. I will fix that and post here when it is done.

mark-jensen commented 8 years ago

Any progress on drafting a definition?

If not, I'd suggest using a variation of # 1: "A household in which the majority of the income of its members is derived from agricultural activities."

This is the narrow classification the above referenced doc refers to. The broad classification is simply a household where any income is from agricultural sources. Although not prefect, it gives us something to work with in SDGIO. We can use it to elicit feedback from domain specialists.

mark-jensen commented 8 years ago

@rlwalls2008 Any chance to get a definition drafted soon? I could do a pull request using the above if that would help. SDGIO will need something in place quickly.

ramonawalls commented 8 years ago

@mark-jensen I used the definition you suggested. We don't have the terms to make a logical definition for this class at this point, but at least it has a text definition.