PopulationAndCommunityOntology / pco

An ontology about groups of interacting organisms such as populations and communities
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NTRs: Biodiversity's many flavours #56

Open pbuttigieg opened 6 years ago

pbuttigieg commented 6 years ago

@ramonawalls I'll be attending to these in a PR, the fork is here

Following from https://github.com/EnvironmentOntology/envo/issues/567 and linked to https://github.com/PopulationAndCommunityOntology/pco/issues/15, we should add some forms of biodiversity as population qualities.

Note that the CBD and other sources associate biodiversity with entities that are above and below populations and communities as units of organisation. Thus, I propose we add the top level biodiversity term to ECOCORE and pull in these "parts" of biodiversity to create the full picture.

Preferred term label

phylogenetic diversity


I'm sure there are a few, but this can be added later; however, most that I can think of now end up as new subclasses.

Textual definition

phylogenetic diversity =def. "A quality inhering in a collection of organisms by virtue of the variation across their heritable traits, created as a result of evolutionary processes." [xref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phylogenetics ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodiversity]

I'm a little uncomfortable using "traits" as Wikipedia does, I think it's too lax.

functional diversity =def. "A quality inhering in a collection of organisms by virtue of the variation in the functions they may perform." [xref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodiversity]

I suppose BFO:function can be used here, to express min 1 functions inhering in each individual.

Suggested parent term

This is unclear. We should have a class that's a quality of a collection of organisms. I have a feeling that PATO's population quality is weakly trying to do this, but we should obsolete that in favour of the former term.