Open Porges opened 5 years ago
Primero, Prime, Trump, Gresco, Post (and Pair), Heaving of the Snow?, (St.) Lodam, Bankerout (Bankafelt?), Gleek, Mount Saint/Cent, New Cut, Knave out of Doors, Ruff, Double Ruff, English Ruff, French Ruff, Lansquenet, Basset, Quadrille, Ombre, Whist/Whisk, Put, the High Game, Plain Dealing, Wit and Reason, Costly Colours, Five Cards, Bone Ace (Ace of Hearts?), Queen Nazareen, Lanterloo, Pennuch, Art of Memory, Beast, Cribbage, All Fours, Crimp, Roulet/Roly Poly (Roulette?).
(Most of these are in Compleat Gamester)
Added here.
Billiards, Trucks, Bowling, Chess, Picket, Gleek, Ombre, Cribbage, All-Fours, English Ruff and Honours, Whist, French-Ruff, Five-Cards, Costly-Colours, Bone-Ace, Put, the High-Game, Wit and Reason, The Art of Memory, Plain-Dealing, Queen Nazareen, Lanterloo, Penneech, Post and Pair, Bankafalet, Beast, Irish, Back-Gammon, Tick-Tack, Dubblets, Sice-Ace, Ketch-Dolt, Inn and Inn, Passage, Hazzard, (Riding, Racing, Archery, Cock-Fighting)
Ombre, Primero, Basset, Picquet, Lanterloo, English Ruff and Honours, Whist, French Ruff, Bragg, Cribbage, Putt, the High-Game, Gleek, All-Fours, Five-Cards, Costly Colours, Bone-Ace, Wit and Reason, The Art of Memory, Plain-Dealing, Queen Nazareen, Penneech, Post and Pair, Bankafalet, Beast, Verqeure, Grand Trick-Track, Irish, Back-Gammon, Tick-Tack, Doublets, Sice-Ace, Ketch-Dolt, Inn and Inn, Passage, Hazzard, Chess, Billiards, (Riding, Racing, Archery, Cock-Fighting, Bowling)
in old books; springboards for investigation