PorkStudios / FarPlaneTwo

Level-of-Detail renderer in Minecraft. Allows for render distances of millions of blocks. (Cubic Chunks-compatible) (WIP)
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Voxel rendering does not appear correctly #167

Open tpd1864blake opened 2 years ago

tpd1864blake commented 2 years ago

When I use the voxel render method, the terrain does not actually render beyond what I have the render distance set to. Heightmap seems to work fine if I give it priority, but then everything looks ugly up close. It seems to me that the heightmap is supposed to render under the voxel at a distance but does not, although this could be a settings issue. If you need me to post my PC specs I'll go ahead Version: Forge 1.12.2 - (16GB RAM allocated) Mod List: Far Planes Two - Forge Rocks - 6.28.2 OptiFine - HD U G5 Cubic Chunks - 0.0.1208.0-SNAPSHOT-all Cubic World Gen -

Heightmap priority Untitled1 Voxel priority Untitled2

rermler commented 1 year ago

i have the same probleme

Westerstaad commented 1 year ago

same issue

KEJWII commented 3 months ago

apparently the solution to this is to turn off shaders (optifine) to internal

It's a pity but maybe it will be solved in the future