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crash in CoreAudio on 10.5.x #195

Open PortAudio-admin opened 12 years ago

PortAudio-admin commented 12 years ago

Issue created by @philburk

Rob Bielik reported crashes in recent PA versions when using a Presonus Firepod on 10.5.x.

What revision of PortAudio are you using?

r1733 of trunk (merged into wavert_wdmks branch)

What audio device were you using?

fire wire sound cards tested:

What kind of Mac?

Oohh.. that I don't know, I'll ask the testers. Some kind of MacBookPro, but I don't know which vintage.

What version of OSX?


Were you using a callback or a blocking write?


Were you doing just output or input+output? Full duplex or half?

The reporter claims it crashes when selecting the fw sound card as input. And I use PA with one input only stream, and one output only stream. They are not related in processing.

What framesPerBuffer did you request?

paFramesPerBufferUnspecified with output latency requested = 0.04 s.

What was happening at the time of the crash? Were you just starting or was the stream shutting down? Did the hardware change in some way? Did another application launch?

Hard to say, but I'd suspect the stream would just be about to start. No other type of change.

Does the crash happen consistently? On more than one computer?

Don't know really, I'll know more tomorrow as I'll get my hands on a similar MBP with same OS X version (and an Apogee Duet 2 card (USB) that experiences clicks during playback). I have a Saffire Pro 14 fw device to test with.

Components 0x70057bd7 CustomEQViewEntryShim + 1063

I see one reference to an ITunes crash here. But nothing helpful in the thread.

Yeah, I saw that one too, but as you say, not much to go on.

Regards, /Rob

PortAudio-admin commented 12 years ago

Comment by @philburk

Rob reports that it works fine on 10.6.7 but crashes on 10.5.x.

PortAudio-admin commented 12 years ago

Comment by @RossBencina

[4:53:55 PM] Robert Bielik: Thread 8 Crashed:
0 ...pple.audio.units.Components 0x70057bd7 CustomEQViewEntryShim + 1063
1 ...pple.audio.units.Components 0x70006636 0x70000000 + 26166
2 ...pple.audio.units.Components 0x7003ffd1 SystemOutputAUEntry + 2609
3 ...pple.audio.units.Components 0x70014afe AUHALEntry + 46
4 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x9161a899 CallComponentDispatch + 29
5 ...apple.audio.units.AudioUnit 0x9571faf3 AudioUnitRender + 67
6 libportaudio.dylib 0x0202ecd2 AudioIOProc + 1042
7 ...pple.audio.units.Components 0x70011e95 AUGenericOutputEntry + 9541
8 com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 0x9760b177 HP_IOProc::Call(AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioBufferList const*, AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioBufferList*) + 319
9 com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 0x9760ae68 IOA_Device::CallIOProcs(AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioTimeStamp const&) + 274
10 com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 0x9760ad44 HP_IOThread::PerformIO(AudioTimeStamp const&) + 1246
11 com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 0x9760911f HP_IOThread::WorkLoop() + 1239
12 com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 0x97608c43 HP_IOThread::ThreadEntry(HP_IOThread*) + 17
13 com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 0x975f9480 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*) + 96
14 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9325c055 _pthread_start + 321
15 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9325bf12 thread_start + 34
PortAudio-admin commented 12 years ago

Comment by @RossBencina

[4:52:28 PM] Robert Bielik: the stream is opened with flags paMacCoreChangeDeviceParameters | paMacCoreFailIfConversionRequired

PortAudio-admin commented 12 years ago

Comment by @philburk

I don't have 10.5 OS but Ross does so I reassigned to Ross.

PortAudio-admin commented 12 years ago

Comment by @RossBencina

Anyone with 10.5 and an external interface could test this. You just need to set up a pa test with separate input and output callback streams and the flags Rob mentions above.

PortAudio-admin commented 12 years ago

Comment by @RossBencina

TRAC migration: propagating ticket status from TRAC

PortAudio-admin commented 6 years ago

Comment by @philburk

Does anyone object to closing this as obsolete and WontFix?