PortSwigger / python-scripter

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Clicking Compile does nothing at all ! #6

Open minanagehsalalma opened 2 years ago

minanagehsalalma commented 2 years ago

as the title says when i click compile nothing happens

my script is


stavinski commented 2 years ago

Compile does not execute the script, it simply checks/caches the Python code so that it can be executed in the request/response pipeline.

In order to test the script you will need to have the script enabled and make some requests such as through the proxy or using repeater, you should then see the output printed.

minanagehsalalma commented 2 years ago

@stavinski hmmm , but why can't it just output in the extender output tab?

Also how can i use this to access websockets response data ?

stavinski commented 2 years ago

Not sure I understand, it will output in the extender output tab when the script is executed as part of the request/response pipeline, basically the same as if you had written an extension and hooked into callbacks.registerHttpListener(self) and put your code in the processHttpMessage method.

I don't believe that the Burp Extender API has support for websockets at present but I could be wrong (it's not something I have had to implement), it would probably require someone from PortSwigger to confirm if this is the case.

minanagehsalalma commented 2 years ago

i see thanks