PortableBalanceLab / PBL

Learn how to create your own balance lab using python and a Raspberry Pi
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Ensure any code-related content uses `backtick`, rather than *italic*, formatting #18

Closed adamkewley closed 1 year ago

adamkewley commented 1 year ago

I found most cases of these, but some slip through.

The idea is that anything in the lecture text that is a code snippet (e.g. "use the math module") is formatted correctly (i.e. in markdown, with backticks), so they "pop" out against the rest of the written content.

Here's an example of something that's (in my opinion) incorrectly formatted from L3:

After the import, we first create an App, like we did before but this time it has some additional parameters: a title which will appear in the window title area and the starting window size (width and height) in pixels.

It's incorrect because the title, width, and height mentioned in the text are function parameters that are directly referring to python function parameter names. Conceptually, a window has a title, a width, and a height; however, this particular paragraph is talking about function parameters that appear in the python code, so it's appropriate to format it that way:

After the import, we first create an App, like we did before, but this time it has some additional parameters: a title, which will appear in the window title area; and the starting window size (width and height), in pixels.