## Describe the bug
Attempting to upload an epub document for RAG causes multiple errors regarding NLTK. The following errors are present:
1. A temporary directory is needed for the NLTK library…
### Go version
go version devel go1.24-4daf7922f3 Tue Dec 3 20:01:57 2024 +0000 darwin/arm64
### Output of `go env` in your module/workspace:
Please approve or deny
Workflow is pending manual review.
URL: https://api.github.com/nmckeown/blood-pressure-calc-app/actions/runs/12148174583
Required approvers: [nmckeown]
Respond "approved", "a…
### The problem
picture/source: https://ibm-cloud.slack.com/archives/C013ZTX0N6B/p1733257027336759
The PageHeader component adds an ellipsis when the subtitle gets too large to display but you can't…
### Extension
### Raycast Version
### macOS Version
### Description
The configure command does not store my selection and always default…
Merchant name: Renato Tira moveis para escritorio
Country: Brazil
Address: Rua dos Andadras n° 148 Itu SP
Lat: -23.26238701647899
Long: -47.302413582801826
OSM: https://www.openstreetmap…
Currently, we get:
?- Ls = "This is a rather long string which is shortened by the toplevel.".
Ls = "This is a rather lo ...".
The answer suggests that `Ls` is `"This is a rather lo ..."…
Create the schema for the disclosure that is currently happening via the Open Ethics Label form.