Portisch / RF-Bridge-EFM8BB1

Alternative Firmware for the Sonoff RF Bridge EFM8BB1 chip
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difference for A6 and A9 sniffing #108

Closed haegar33 closed 5 years ago

haegar33 commented 5 years ago

Latest firmware used?

latest pull from master branch


Powerplug REV Typ 008341C

I got a problem to understand the difference between the two sniffing/learing command A6 and A9 as well as the use of the "predefined protocols" (RF_Protocols.h) When I receive output from these command how can I used this "decoded" values for transmitting a command or assigning a rfkey? Example A6: I get an answer after pressing a button on my REV power plug


This should be protocol index 7 with a data length 5 and data 1CB73361. Looks good but whats next?? How do I send a protocol index 7 command with the sniffed data?

Example A9: I get an answer:


which indicated with a (wrong?) code AB that I have "learned" some data with protocol index 0. Looks good but whats next??

I got the feeling that the achknowledge commands are swapped: Success is AB and failure is AA??

Portisch commented 5 years ago

Looks like the protocol tolerance of the default protocol 0 is too big. If you don't need it disabled it in the config: EFM8BB1_SUPPORT_PT226X_PROTOCOL

haegar33 commented 5 years ago

Ok, I realised the A8 command is for sending Rf codes from the predefined protocols after sniffing or learning. Actually the REV plugs are all consistent with protocol 7 and I could decode all needed data ;) Thus for these plugs no further patching needed.

I got another set from Brennestuhl which do not even react to any A6 sniffing. Here I probably would need B1 and B0 raw sniffing which I might try later....

However the response codes for A9 learning is still the other way round as described in the wiki. I get a success code AB with info about protocol and data. I get AAAA55 for a failure. A correction and some more guidance in the wiki would be appreciated.

Thanks, Haegar.

Portisch commented 5 years ago

Corrected wiki, thx!