###### Processing line {"RfRaw":{"Data":"AA B1 06 06AE 00A0 038E 01FE 006E 12F2 D09292B392C292B3B3C292929292B3B39292B3B3B3929292B3929292B3929292B39292B3B3B3B39292 55"}} ######
Filtered 0xB1 data: AAB10606AE00A0038E01FE006E12F2D09292B392C292B3B3C292929292B3B39292B3B3B3929292B3929292B3929292B39292B3B3B3B3929255
Sending command to bridge
Resulting 0xB0 data: AA B0 37 06 08 06AE 00A0 038E 01FE 006E 12F2 D09292B392C292B3B3C292929292B3B39292B3B3B3929292B3929292B3929292B39292B3B3B3B39292 55
###### Command was sent. Enter name of command if your device reacted as expected or just [Enter] if not ######
###### Please no special caracters or spaces
Latest firmware used?
I try sniffing the values from a WTS switch for window covers. I do this by using the bitbucketconverter.py tool like this:
python3 bitbucket.py -f console.txt -e
This works fine. Results come pouring in:
However, when I open the URL in a browser: I do get an error:
File Not Found
URI: /ax Method: GET Arguments: 2 c2: 191 c1: RfRaw AA B0 37 06 08 06AE 00A0 038E 01FE 006E 12F2 D09292B392C292B3B3C292929292B3B39292B3B3B3929292B3929292B3929292B39292B3B3B3B39292 55
Same error occurs when trying to use Postman to send this as a POST event. Also, nothing appears in the WEB GUI Tasmota console.
When copying the B0-codes from the Terminal and paste them into the console it works fine.
How could I use the script to send B0-commands to the RF-bridge?