Portisch / RF-Bridge-EFM8BB1

Alternative Firmware for the Sonoff RF Bridge EFM8BB1 chip
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Support for Manchester Coding. #98

Closed FatBeard closed 5 years ago

FatBeard commented 5 years ago

Would it be possible to get support for Manchester coding. Having it would help with other types of protocols such as Oregon etc.

Portisch commented 5 years ago

Latest firmware used?

Be sure you tried the latest release or the newest binary of the firmware!


What device you try to sniff data from? Description? Brand and type?

Sniffed data

Post your sniffed data by command 0xB1 or 0xA6.

Why is nobody using the template? And no, manchester coding will not be handled as the EFM8BB1 is running out of storage.

FatBeard commented 5 years ago

It’s for an owl electricity monitor which I already have working on arduino. I was going to port it over to Portisch. Hence the template was irrelevant. I was going to do the protocol work. It uses Manchester coding though. Hence the question. I’ve already given you the 1byone protocol pull request which shows I am able to do the protocol work myself.

JoostvdB94 commented 5 years ago

Because the protocols can now be configured in RfConfig.h, i was hoping storage wouldn't be a problem anymore: We could choose to opt-in Manchester support as well?