Portponky / better-terrain

Terrain plugin for Godot 4
The Unlicense
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[REQUEST] Shortcut key to select Terrain tab or other possible suggestions #61

Open bazsupport opened 6 months ago

bazsupport commented 6 months ago

I'm spending a lot of time using this plugin. One thing that would make the work flow much better is to have the Terrain section remember if it was the last used section and open automatically, or some other suggestions:

  1. Make it shortcut keyable, so when you click on a TileMap node you can shortcut key to open the Terrain tab. Not sure if this is possible.
  2. Make it to where when you click on a TileMap node it auto remembers where you were and go to Terrain tab if you were on it.
  3. Maybe move the Terrain from your plugin to be nested inside the TileMap under the sub BetterTerrain tab or something, that way it remembers what tab you were on with the built in Godot functionality. The regular TileMap does this with it's tabs (Tiles, Patterns, Terrains) and it makes it really nice for back and forth workflow. I know clicking on a TileMap node goes to the TileMap section no matter what, so I'm not sure how this would be possible.... but if it is I figured I wanted to bring this up.

The above ideas were just my initial thoughts, there could be a better way I'm sure. Thanks for reading and the plugin!

Portponky commented 6 months ago

For points 1 and 2, the system by which the editor holds the different docks is not controlled by the plugin. The dock button is made available, so I will experiment with adding a shortcut to it. Do other docks have shortcut keys? I'll have to check.

As for point 3, a lot of research was done into integrating the docks together. It can be done to an extent, but it's very messy and a little bit unstable (certain sequences of actions can cause the engine to crash completely). The goal was to allow the layer tools (highlight, select) to be synchronised between the terrain plugin and the tilemap dock. This kind of solution would be really nice, if the technical problems could be overcome.