Portree-Kid / flightgear-airports

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File Upload no longer working in Either FGA or Groundweb #151

Closed BecOzIcan closed 2 years ago

BecOzIcan commented 2 years ago

Groundweb indicates Azure is OK, authorizes upload but runs forever

Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4

FGA does not confirm Azure is up but let the Upload start then returns an error

Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4

In both cases, no PR received on https://github.com/terrasync/main/pulls

varjatichko commented 2 years ago

It still returns HTTP 500 for the request even after Ok returned in the json after Azure check.


varjatichko commented 2 years ago

Last two days it responds to Azure check as undefined and next json: {"message":"Error","err":{"message":"the index is locked; this might be due to a concurrent or crashed process","errno":-14,"errorFunction":"Index.write"}}

Hope this helps to identify and fix the issue

Portree-Kid commented 2 years ago


BecOzIcan commented 2 years ago

Verified. Back to normal. Thanks Keith