Portree-Kid / flightgear-airports

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v.0.0.34. Automatically created by doubleclick at end of the line pushabck holding point is not preserved after save #152

Open varjatichko opened 2 years ago

varjatichko commented 2 years ago

v.0.0.34. Automatically created by doubleclick at end of the line pushabck holding point is not preserved after save

Workaround: Choose the pushback point and drag it to any other position, release and than move back, the Pushabck changed to None and than it is possible to set the point as Pushback holding point which will be preserved during save even the icon may not appear. Another way to workaround: choose the point and switch it to None on the left panel, choose it again and choose the PushBack.

Steps: Choose Pushback route on the right panel in edit mode. Click on center point of any stand. Draw the pushback route as straight line or with multiple points Doubleclick on a point where the pushback route should merge with regular or one way taxi route line. The Icon appear, the left pannel shows it is Pushback taxi point. Choose regular or one way taxi line on the right panel and connect the point and one on regular taxiway. Press save or close, close the program. Open program again and see there is no Pushback holding point.