Portugao / Image

Image will handle images with Zikula
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integrate it with News #17

Closed dmm1 closed 7 years ago

dmm1 commented 11 years ago

It would be very usable to provide automatic Album and Image creation within a News-Article:

-) create Album e.g. 2012->December->16>Title of Article, for an article created on 16th of December 2012

thanks for imho the only usable image module atm

Portugao commented 11 years ago

Hi, are you able to describe more in detail your request; I don't understand completely.

Another question. Is it important for you to have a zip upload?

dmm1 commented 11 years ago

Hi! I mean that muImage provides a hook that while writing an news-article a uploadform for images is displayed. An album whith eg year-month-day-title is created automatically. And the pics and thumbnails can be used like the normal newspictures in templates.

Or an import to create albums and subalbums from existing news-pics also would fit my needs.

And no, an zip upload is nice but imho not needed atm.


gesendet via IPhone

Am 16.12.2012 um 09:11 schrieb Michael Ueberschaer notifications@github.com:

Hi, are you able to describe more in detail your request; I don't understand completely.

Another question. Is it important for you to have a zip upload?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Portugao commented 11 years ago

And the pics and thumbnails can be used like the normal newspictures in templates.

What does it mean? Which templates do you speak of?

dmm1 commented 11 years ago

sorry :-) i hope i can explain it now better:

-) provide a hook for news for full support of Storyimages which can be used in News-Templates and in an slider, and automatically create an album with the structure Y - M - D - Storytitle


-) provide an import for News-Story pics with a backlink to the story

Portugao commented 11 years ago

So if you upload images they have to be shown in the news automatically?

dmm1 commented 11 years ago

no the other way:

if you make an Newsarticle with images, for those should be an album :-)

Portugao commented 11 years ago

Ah ok; that should be possible, I hope.

But I must have a look at this first!

dmm1 commented 11 years ago

great :-) thanks

rallek commented 11 years ago

I think you have to make a feature request at news module and develop an api at MUImage

dmm1 commented 11 years ago

thanks Ralf for the hint, @espaan what do you think about it?

espaan commented 11 years ago

Hi, since this would require most work in News most action is needed there. The picture upload is done inside a separate class so adding another method to store images outside the local dir should be doable. But also thought has to be spend on how the make the user part work. That is now very simple and not always convenient (no ordering or specifying first image etc). That is also something to improve then along the way.

Attaching MuImage and SimpleMedia and maybe even a Gallery2Integration module would be not too different then, just calling the right api methods and making sure the images and thumbnailed and stored in a correct album Etc.

You could take a look and the code in News, for example: https://github.com/zikula-modules/News/blob/master/lib/News/ImageUtil.php https://github.com/zikula-modules/News/blob/master/lib/News/Controller/User.php#L149

Portugao commented 11 years ago

@dmm1 There are some aspects of implement this feature to untangle.

You said you need this if you create a news. So you don't need it, if you update a news?

dmm1 commented 11 years ago

Sorry, shurely, if the images change the gallery should be updated too.

Portugao commented 11 years ago

So if you delete an image in the news it has to be deleted in the album too? I ask because it will make it more complex to handle!

dmm1 commented 11 years ago

Yes, this would be perfect. Thx!

Portugao commented 11 years ago

And back to your description:

provide a hook for news for full support of Storyimages which can be used in News-Templates and in an slider, and automatically create an album with the structure Y - M - D - Storytitle

I think you should describe more precise, because I remark that I puzzle over that. I interprete your description in that way:

You create a news and you want, that images you add to the news automatically will be added to an album in MUImage? Sorry, but it's important for me that I really understand what you mean with 'full support of Storyimages which can be used in News-Templates and in a slider!

dmm1 commented 11 years ago

Yes, thats right, forget the templates and slider thing, this is afaik impossible atm. It just would be great if new or then updated, newsitems with images would be automatically get an (sub)album. This can be enhanced with configvars for structure, e.g. Y-M-D-title .

rallek commented 10 years ago

There is a hook already available but it do nothing. Is this correct for the following situation? MUImage 1.2.0 News 3.0.1 Zikula 1.3.5/6

Portugao commented 10 years ago

Yes. Will try to finish in later Version.