Portugao / Transport

Transport is a module for Zikula - Transporting datas from one database to another
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Advanced Generic Transport #6

Closed halbrooktech closed 11 years ago

halbrooktech commented 12 years ago

May be nice to provide a generic, advanced, option where the Admin can pick two tables and present a chart of fields that the admin would then select the data should go. This would, at least in theory, allow the Advanced Admin the ability to port content from any module/data table to any other.

Guite commented 12 years ago

Is it worth the effort to build an own phpMyAdmin? If this should be done properly (e.g. also for non-javascript people) then it becomes a quite huge task.

halbrooktech commented 12 years ago

First, I don't see that ability in phpMyAdmin, if it's there I'd be greatful for a point in the right direction, all I see is maybe the ability to export a dump and then edit by hand the sql file to reimport. Second, even if it's in there, not everyone will have access to phpMyAdmin Third: Maybe it's my simple mind not grasping the complexity of it, and I'll grant you at this point, I don't have the API/Standards knowledge and practice to do it myself, otherwise I'd write the class for myself and submit it, but it doesn't seem like something that would have to be THAT complex. Advanced compared to the base automated transports, not advanced compared to phpMyAdmin. Hide the option in the menu, caveate it all over the place, but what I'm thinking is populate side one of an HTML table with the fields from table 1 and side two of the HTML table would be a dropdown of fields in table 2 to pick where to copy the data.

Portugao commented 12 years ago

Basicallay it seems to be a 'nice' feature.

And I see this: If guite decides to remark, it will become 'a quite huge task', I'm sure it will.

If I would build the generic possibility to handle a transport from table 1 to table 2 each table with 10 fields there were a vast number of combinations where to put the datas of a field of table 1 into a field of table 2.

Additionally I had always to check, if the datas of a field ( table 1 ) are compatible with the field of table 2.

That means:

If you have a concrete case of 2 tables it's not so much work to handle that by code, but if you have many tables with there combinations of numbers of fields, it's a big task.

halbrooktech commented 12 years ago

I was thinking making it advanced, and putting the warning flags all over that if you don't know what you're doing, stop, because I think making the module do the sanity check would be overly difficult, the idea I had in mind was for this to be something for advanced users with a warning that trying to do this with out knowing what you're doing could break your site.