Poryaei / All-In-One

Automatic clicker for the (Hamster ~ TapSwap ~ Cex IO) bots.
MIT License
110 stars 26 forks source link

Add auto promo code claim method #79

Open mobinpo opened 1 month ago

mobinpo commented 1 month ago

`def generate_client_id(): current_time = int(time.time() * 1000) random_part = random.randint(100, 999) random_first = int(str(current_time)[:10] + str(random_part))

return f"{random_first}-3472514666961597005"

def generate_event_id(): return str(uuid.uuid4())

async def get_promo_code(app_token: str, promo_id: str, promo_title: str, max_attempts: int, event_timeout: int, session_name: str, proxy: str): headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "Host": "api.gamepromo.io" }

proxy_conn = aiohttp_proxy.ProxyConnector().from_url(proxy) if proxy else None

async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers, connector=proxy_conn) as http_client:
    client_id = generate_client_id()

    json_data = {
        "appToken": app_token,
        "clientId": client_id,
        "clientOrigin": "deviceid"

    response = await http_client.post(url="https://api.gamepromo.io/promo/login-client", json=json_data)

    response_text = await response.text()
    response_json = await response.json()
    access_token = response_json.get("clientToken")

    if not access_token:
        logger.debug(f"{session_name} | Can't login to api.gamepromo.io | Try with proxy | "
                     f"Response text: {escape_html(response_text)[:256]}...")

    http_client.headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {access_token}"

    await asyncio.sleep(delay=1)

    attempts = 0

    while attempts < max_attempts:

            event_id = generate_event_id()
            json_data = {
                "promoId": promo_id,
                "eventId": event_id,
                "eventOrigin": "undefined"

            response = await http_client.post(url="https://api.gamepromo.io/promo/register-event", json=json_data)

            response_json = await response.json()
            has_code = response_json.get("hasCode", False)

            if has_code:
                json_data = {
                    "promoId": promo_id

                response = await http_client.post(url="https://api.gamepromo.io/promo/create-code", json=json_data)

                response_json = await response.json()
                promo_code = response_json.get("promoCode")

                if promo_code:
                    logger.info(f"{session_name} | "
                                f"Promo code is found for <lm>{promo_title}</lm> game: <lc>{promo_code}</lc>")
                    return promo_code
        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug(f"{session_name} | Error while getting promo code: {error}")

        attempts += 1

            f"{session_name} | Attempt <lr>{attempts}</lr> was successful for <lm>{promo_title}</lm> game | "
            f"Sleep <lw>{event_timeout}s</lw> before <lr>{attempts + 1}</lr> attempt to get promo code")
        await asyncio.sleep(delay=event_timeout)

logger.debug(f"{session_name} | "
             f"Promo code not found out of <lw>{max_attempts}</lw> attempts for <lm>{promo_title}</lm> game ")`

can you add this to your code for get keys

ItsAmirAT commented 1 month ago

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